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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Even I like proof….


I KNOW ACUPUNCTURE WORKS….. but I have a very scientific and cynical part of me that likes to see hard solid proof, I especially like graphs and machines, and I really, really like good, solid, well documented, double blind research trials.
Last night whilst trolling the internet for acupuncture type stuff… when I should probably have been having a drink and a chat with friends in a local bar… I found the video that I posted yesterday…. I was absolutely WOWED! A BBC documentary that looks at acupuncture from every angle. And finally proof…..
Using modern state of the art technology ( a really powerful MRI scanner) a few open minded scientists, a BBC presenter and an acupuncturist with one needle… I finally had my proof. You see what they did was scan the brain ..first in a rested state…. then using very shallow needling and scanned again…. then they did true acupuncture to achieve da qi (da qi is a sensation that feels a little like a deep bruise or sometimes a tingly shock) when we needle someone this is the sensation we look for that tells us we have reached the point where the good stuff gets done.
The results were amazing….. they were actually able to see and chart the effect that acupuncture had on the brain.
Maybe now the mystery of acupuncture is no longer a mystery but we are one small step ahead in understanding how this ancient therapy actually works…
Take a look at the video if you have time….it is an hour long though and I know this may be amazing for someone like me who is passionate about needles and not so very interesting for others….. but if you are suffering with pain and have been searching for an answer that excludes pills and potions I think this may give you the confidence to come and see me and give it a try.  I even have a special offer at the moment, call me for more information 676333065/971468435

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