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Sunday, June 2, 2013

A week in my world and a Eureka moment!

So what happens in my work world on an average week…
Acupuncture MajorcaThis week I have treated: three cases of hip pain, two of back pain, one of neck pain, one of anxiety and stress, two with depression, two monthly top ups, two with migraine and one prior to embryo implantation (at 7 in the morning!) 
This is a fairly typical week and I am so lucky because I really love my work, In fact I was chatting to a friend this week and saying that sometimes it would be lovely to actually get a job and work for someone else… get paid every month and 4 weeks holiday a year and no stressing about marketing and social media…. so she said… “what would you get a job doing”? Which involved me smiling and saying “I love my job, I would be an acupuncturist”… and that is the thing, I love the diversity of my work, I enjoy every single patient that walks through my door, I love the eureka moments when the acupuncture kicks in and the pain (or problem) goes away and the patience pays off…. because acupuncture sometimes is about patience, it really isn’t the same as taking a pill, sometimes it takes a while to get the body back into balance but I have to say it rarely fails… at least 95% of my patients get better and walk back to the world with a smile.
My Eureka moment this week is a person I have seen for 7 weeks suffering with non specific hip pain….. we have worked very hard to 1. Find the reason for this pain using both western medicine and chinese diagnosis and 2. Make it STOP!
Last week he arrived saying “well it seems so much better”….. This week he arrived saying he has had NO pain … smiles all around…. sometimes the best part of my day is wishing my patients health and wellness and hoping I never have to see them again :D

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