Acupuncture and Chinese medicine is mostly about keeping our body finely balanced so illness or disease should not occur and in fact in China you only pay your acupuncturist when you are well not when you are sick as it is his responsibility to keep your mind and body finely tuned! The same is true for pregnancy and birth of course… totally natural conditions that just need us to pay attention to the fine tuning, like eating well, resting enough and of course visiting your acupuncturist regularly
We started slowly with the process of using acupuncture to get Claire ready to give Birth and did so over 3 days, day one was just using a few of these scary labour inducing points, day two we turned up the volume a little using the same points with some light electro acupucnture for good measure…. and day 3 really using the bigger guns… electro at a higher dose on all of the points. Which are …. Co4, Sp6 (these are on the hand and leg) then Bl32 and Bl33 (on the lower back) At this point her Braxton hicks (practice uterine contrations) seemed to be getting stronger and more regular.
We put the needles away and went for a very long walk…
Claire went into Labour that evening and Maya was born the next day…… Was it acupuncture or was it her time, thats the thing we will not really know…. but its really nice to have had a positive experience and I have to say an enormous thank you to my lovely daughter for accepting my acupuncture obsession.
So welcome to the world Maya Catalina Warhurst who incidentally in the Chinese Zodiac is a water snake and water snakes are believed to be wise, charming, romantic and intuitive … she will be all that and more I am sure.
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