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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Wrinkles, laughter lines and Me

wrinkles beforewrinkles afterAbout four years ago there was loads in the press about the latest techniques in facial rejuvenation acupuncture… me being a woman of a certain age thought ‘yay’ this is interesting as my laughter lines were definitely beginning to show, and I am certainly not adverse to a little self help acupuncture. So I decided to learn more and signed up for a short course…. what did I learn? Well not a whole lot more than I already knew…. but the guy selling the course is a fantastic salesman!!
In reality it was at this time that Acu-Nova was reborn and I started to add facial acupuncture to my list of treatments, to be honest very few people seemed interested (defiantly should have taken more notice of the ‘sales’ part of the course) but you see sales just isn’t who I am. Who I am is a health care provider who loves to take care of people´s health preferably preventively but certainly when people are struggling with whatever ails them. So it became a project that sat on the back burner.
Two weeks ago I was at the lovely LACE lunch with a wonderful bunch of ladies, and gave a 5 minute presentation on acupuncture without needles! At the end of the lunch I had a little line of ladies with questions…. and the burning question was do I do cosmetic acupuncture?
So the resounding answer is yes I do, and yes it does work, and here is why…
Cosmetic acupuncture is not really any different to any other sort of acupuncture, If you come to see me I will spend the first half hour asking you weird and wonderful questions about your lifestyle, diet, sleeping habits, emotions, illnesses even your bowel habits and waterworks!! What I need to know is how your body is working and if there is any detectable unbalance. I will take a look at your tongue and take your pulse…. and finally will have a look at the wonderful map of life you have that is your face!
Acupuncture works by creating balance in the energy system of the body. If there is in-balance the body gets sick! A great example of this is depression… when the neurotransmitters in the brain are out of whack we become clinically depressed and cannot see the good things in life… acupuncture helps redress this balance and works very efficiently too. When our body is sick it shows in our face, if we are not sleeping well, we look tired.  If our digestive system is not working well, we feel bloated.  The trouble is lack of sleep and bloating very often become the ‘normal’ in our lives and we don’t even realise there is something wrong.
So the first thing people often notice with cosmetic acupuncture is that they actually feel better, and the facial results are often recognised by those around us… people will say ‘wow’ you look great what have you been doing! Your skin begins to take on a healthier look which of course boosts your self esteem and generally makes you feel happier.
Now apart from doing general feel good re-balancing acupuncture I would actually address any lines and wrinkles you have that you are not happy with and we would use tiny needles in and around the area. When an acupuncture needle is inserted, the body reacts by sending red blood cells and critical nutrients to the area, essentially stimulating a local immune response. Once the needle is removed, the body quickly realizes that it’s not actually under attack and calls off the immune response. In the meantime, those areas on the face where needles were placed have been flooded with a new supply of blood and nutrients. This stimulates the production of collagen, the protein responsible for tightness and vibrancy in the skin.
After a few weeks you will notice the lines becoming thinner and shallower, your face looks brighter, bloating is gone and people will be asking you what you have done that is making you look so great.
If you would like to go it a try I have a special spring offer of 8 sessions for only 250€,  Give me a call 676333065.

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